Transformation Soulution™

Guided Manifesting Tool

Step 1: Preparation

  • Download bilateral music on any music platform & have headphones nearby.

  • Have a pen & paper or journal handy.

  • Find a comfortable and quiet place where you will not be disturbed.

  • Lay down, sit in a favorite chair, or at a desk or table - get comfy.

Step 2: Writing/dropping In

  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.

  • Take a few moments to free-write or list what your goals are. 

  • Be as detailed & specific as possible:

  • What do you see?

  • How will you feel?

  • What does it feel like in your body?

Step 3: Bilateral Stimulation

  • Begin by putting your headphones on & turning on the music, or by crossing your arms across your chest and tapping on your upper arms, one side, then the other.

  • Continue to tap gently or listen to the music.

Step 4: Visualization & Somatization

  • Once you feel relaxed and focused, begin to visualize your desired outcome in as much detail as possible.

  • Imagine yourself already having achieved your goal(s) and feel the positive emotions associated with it.

  • Spend several minutes focusing on this visualization, paying particular attention to what it feels like in your body.

Step 5: Completion

  • When you are ready, slowly open your eyes and take a few deep breaths.

  • Journal about your experience and any insights you may have gained.

  • Modify your visualization as needed.


  • Use headphones or earbuds to listen to bilateral music while performing this exercise.

  • Once you’ve grounded this outcome in your system, you can use it anywhere, anytime - just drop in!

  • Use it often to bring it toward you & allow you to move toward your goal more efficiently.

~ Managing Blocks That May Arise During This Process ~

Step 1: Acknowledge The Block  

  • Recognize any feelings or thoughts that arise during your visualization that may indicate a block. This can include fear, doubt, or discomfort. Accept that these feelings are part of the process.

  • Get curious about them.

Step 2: Check In With The Emotion Or Negative Belief.

  • Begin by using bilateral stimulation.

  • Ask what the emotion or negative belief needs you to know, what it needs to show you, and what its story is (hint: after you ask, wait for the answer, don’t assume you know).

  • Ask it what it needs from you.

Step 3: Reframe

  • For example, if you feel unworthy, reframe it to, "I was born worthy."

  • Continue with the bilateral stimulation.

  • Feel into the positive reframe (notice where you feel it in your body).

Step 4: Return To Your Goal(s) 

  • Return to your desired outcome - your original goal(s). 

  • Begin tapping or listening to the music.

  • If another block arises, return to step 1 of “Managing Blocks” & repeat until each block is acknowledged & processed.

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